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Photography Studies College (PSC) is a government registered dual sector institution, offering accredited courses in both vocational education and higher education.

TEQSA Provider Number: PRV12200
CRICOS Provider Number: 00257G
Registration Training Organisation Code: 0111

Accredited higher education courses include:

  • Bachelor of Photography and Digital Imaging
  • Undergraduate Certificate of Photography
  • Undergraduate Certificate of Digital Imaging
  • Master of Arts Photography

PSC domestic students undertaking full-time higher education study are eligible to apply for FEE HELP for each of these accredited courses.

Vocational education courses include:

Accredited course:

  • Advanced Diploma of Photography

PSC students are eligible for AUSTUDY. For more information visit Centrelink's Austudy Payment webpage. For information regarding Youth Allowance, visit the Youth Allowance webpage.


In addition to our extensive links with the photography and creative industries, PSC has well established structures of leadership, academic governance, management and administration. The following governance structures provide quality oversight across all of the College's operations:

The Board of Photography Holdings Pty Ltd, the ‘Governing Body’, provides leadership, strategic guidance and oversight of governance and management for the company and its operation. It ensures that systematic reviews are undertaken and strategies are implemented to improve the College’s institutional performance.

The Board of Photography Holdings Pty Ltd consists of Mr John Waters (Chair, Independent Non-Executive Director), Mr Jim Davidson (Independent Non-Executive Director), Mr Phil Ingerson (Independent Non-Executive Director), Mr Mark Rushworth (Non-Executive Director) and Mr Colm Saunders (Non-Executive Director).


In line with the requirements of effective corporate governance, the Board of Photography Holdings Pty Ltd has five subcommittees:

  1. Higher Education Council
  2. Academic Board
  3. Audit Committee
  4. Regulatory Compliance Committee
  5. DigiTech Committee

1. Higher Education Council

The Higher Education Council advises the Board on direction for, and oversight of, all the College's higher education policies, activities and courses; the College's corporate and academic governance; and the overall operation of the College from a strategic perspective. The Higher Education Council consists of eight members including two external senior academics. All strategic planning is undertaken with advice from the Higher Education Council.

The Higher Education Council is chaired by Mr Jim Davidson and membership consists of: Ms Julie Abramson, Mr John Waters, Professor Chris Ryan, Dr Heather Davis, Mr Phil Ingerson, Dr Damian Barry and Ms Julie Moss.

2. Academic Board

The Academic Board provides direct and ongoing oversight of the College's educational processes and courses. This is undertaken under delegation from the Board of Photography Holdings Pty Ltd. The Academic Board is chaired by Professor Chris Ryan and membership consists of: Dr Heather Davis, Dr Doug Spowart, Ms Sarina Lirosi, Dr Kristian Häggblom, Dr Damian Barry, Mr Jim Davidson, Professor Christy Collis and international member, Professor Jonathan Shaw, as well as student member Mr Christopher May.

3. Audit Committee

The Audit Committee maintains the responsibility to oversee the adequacy of the company’s corporate reporting, external audit and corporate risk management, and compliance processes. The Audit Committee is chaired by Mr Phil Ingerson and membership consists of: Ms Carol Hill and Ms Julie Moss.

4. Regulatory Compliance Committee

The Regulatory Compliance Committee maintains the oversight and provides assistance to the Board of Photography Holdings Pty Ltd in relation to the College’s compliance with the terms and conditions of its registration as a higher education and vocational education provider, and other educational regulatory requirements (e.g. CRICOS). The Regulatory Compliance Committee membership consists of regulatory and legal expertise and is chaired by Ms Julie Abramson, with committee members: Ms Fiona Kerr, Mr David Symonds and Ms Julie Moss.

5. DigiTech Committee

The Board has further established a DigiTech Committee with the purpose of oversight of the College's technology systems and the provision of strategic guidance on technology trends and proposed technology strategies and investments to ensure educational and academic excellence. It monitors and provides guidance to the Board on digital transformation, technology and technology related systems. The DigiTech Committee is chaired by Mr Phil Ingerson and membership includes Mr Adnan Selimanovic and Mr Jim Davidson. It is supported by the College's Chief Technology Officer, Ms Kathryn Vinella, and Mr Oliver Dauncey.


The College established a Student Consultative Forum in 2017 to provide students with an opportunity to provide feedback and student perspective on academic matters including policies and student experience. The Forum is chaired jointly by the Chair of the Academic Board and the Chair of the Higher Education Council and involves students nominated from the entire higher education student body. The Forum meets biannually and members participated in the Board's strategic planning sessions in 2018 and 2022.

Registered Training Organisation Code: 0111

Vocational Education & Training (VET)

The VET Programs Advisory Committee for the Advanced Diploma of Photography is made up of photography industry experts from Australia and is chaired by past Australian Institute of Professional Photography president and award winning photographer, Mr Ian van der Wolde. Other members include experts such as Mr Mark Munro, Ms Sally Brownbill, Ms Julie Ewing and Mr Daniel Pockett.

It ensures that College courses keep pace with the rapid and ongoing technological changes in the photography and digital media industries. Staff members include Ms Sarina Lirosi and Mr Nic Kocher.


Provider Name: Photography Studies College (Melbourne) Unit Trust

ABN: 58 860 041 097

Date of Statement of Financial Standing to 30th of June 2022

This section provides selected information about PSC's financial standing as required by TEQSA.

  1. Directors' Declaration:

The Directors' Declaration can be found here.

  1. Auditor's Opinion:

The Auditor's Opinion can be found here.

  1. Tuition Assurance: 

Tuition assurance is provided through Tuition Protection Service (TPS), an Australian government scheme, which PSC has participated in since 2012.

PSC has current coverage under the TPS.

For more information on the TPS refer to: http://www.education.gov.au/tps


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and Governance

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