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Our supportive environment
Photography Studies College (Melbourne) promotes a college-wide approach to ensuring the health, wellbeing and safety of its students, staff and visitors.
Health and wellbeing when studying
Studying at college can be an exciting time - new experiences, new people, freedom to explore new ideas. It’s great to finally study what you want, but at times you may feel a little overwhelmed.
Good mental health is important
Good mental health is important as it helps you live with the challenges that life throws at you every day and live your life in a positive and meaningful way.
Keeping mentally well and fit requires regular effort. The information and links below will help you to deal with stressful times and situations, and point you in the right place when you may need help and support.
Help & Hotlines
Is there a doctor close by?
You may feel unwell and need a doctor. The Port Melbourne Medical Centre is in Bay Street, Port Melbourne. It’s easy to book online.
Our helpful Student Support & Engagement Coordinator, Rod Ceballos, can also assist you with making an appointment.
Phone: +61 3 9682 3191 Email: rceballos@psc.edu.au
The Medical Centre is located at 405 Bay Street, Port Melbourne.
Phone: +61 3 8686 0500
How can a counsellor help?
If you find it difficult to attend classes or have fallen behind with your work, please approach one of your lecturers. PSC lecturers will be able to assist by negotiating some changes to your workload, or they may suggest that you speak with our college counsellor.
Photography Studies College has provision for students to access a professional counsellor for support if you have issues that may affect your wellbeing and your ability to learn. This could include relationship issues, grief, stress and coping, personal problems, drug and alcohol issues. Talk to our Student Support & Engagement Coordinator, Rod Ceballos, about arranging an appointment.
Phone: +61 3 9682 3191 Email: rceballos@psc.edu.au
If you are hurt or need immediate help and support, anywhere, anytime, please call 000.
If you hurt yourself at Photography Studies College, a number of our staff are trained in First Aid. Please enquire with our Student Services Officers at PSC's main reception area.
If you experience cyber bullying – Please contact South Melbourne Police directly 9257 3800 or phone the local police station near where you live.
If you feel anxious or depressed contact:
Mental Health Online: https://www.mentalhealthonline.org.au/
Headspace: call +61 3 9027 0100
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636
If you, or someone you are with, need urgent help, or if you think that you may harm yourself, contact:
Lifeline: call 13 11 14
- for people of all ages
- telephone support (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) and online web chat (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) with a counsellor.
Suicide Call Back Service: call 1300 659 467
- for people aged 15 years or over
- telephone, video or online counselling with a mental health worker 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
There are trained and qualified people and agencies out there that can help you discreetly and confidentially. The services listed above are FREE, so don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Sexual assault and sexual harassment
At Photography Studies College we are committed to providing a safe and secure working and learning environment, and we have zero tolerance for sexual assault and sexual harassment.
Photography Studies College provides support for students who report sexual misconduct, including sexual assault and sexual harassment.
You can find the relevant Photography Studies College Policy here.
If you have been assaulted, threatened or harassed, you are encouraged to think about your safety and support needs. To know your rights, please consider the following information and support.
Urgent help - Police contacts for sexual assault
If you are feeling unsafe right now, call the emergency number 000.
If you require police assistance, but there is no immediate danger, call 131 444.
Other services
The services listed can help you with safety concerns and talk to you about options such as counselling.
If you think a criminal sexual offence has been committed and you want to make a complaint, you may wish to seek further advice.
You can report past incidents or online incidents on behalf of someone else and anonymously.
Sexual Assault Crisis Line: call 1800 806 292 (free call)
Email: SACLFeedback@thewomens.org.au
CASA Forum
Lists Victorian Centres Against Sexual Assault
Bravehearts Victoria: call 1800 272 831